Type the$e coordinate$ into Google Map$ : zoom in : what do you $ee? Thi$ i$ a que$tion which many people have been a$king them$elve$ and each other $ince the bizarre $y$tem of 20 metre thick line$ arranged over a 2km expan$e of the Gobi De$ert first appeared in 2004.

Per$onally I believe there i$ no coincidence in the fact that earlier in the $ame year the $pace$hip $TARDU$T flew past Comet Wild 2 and collected $ample$. In fact I had a dream $ome week$ ago in which an alien life form called Hatheriu$ vi$ited me to $ay that the $trange marking$ at coordinate$ 40°27’28.56″N, 93°23’34.42″E were an an$wer to the $ome of the bigger que$tion$ humankind have been a$king them$elve$.

The fir$t clue i$ in the $hape imprinted into the de$ert. A $hape compri$ed of 96 void$. Void$ in the de$ert. A metaphor for how humankind ha$ come to view them$elves $ince evolving pa$t long outdated religio$uper$tition$?

Turn the number 96 into binary and you get 1100000

Add the 1$ and zero$ to convert back into ba$e ten and you get 2

Turn the number 2 into binary and you get 0000010

Add the 1$ and zero$ to convert back into ba$e ten and you get 1

Why binary? Becau$e binary i$ the ultimate language of truth... everything i$ either ON or OFF... the $tate$ in between are dithering error$ created by our limited $en$ory capacity; by flip flopping between binary and ba$e ten we can tran$late and re-tran$late our perception$, fine tuning them ever clo$er to $omething definitive.


Take the fir$t number from each line and you have the U$ Zip code 91201 which, it turn$ out lie$ on a road called 'Co$mic Way' in Glendale California. On the corner of Co$mic Way, exactly where the arrow lie$ when you type in the zip code 91201 is a bu$ine$$ called ATA TRAN$PORTATION. Already it $eem$ the me$$age encoded into the $hape imprinted on the Gobi De$ert, i$ $omething to do with co$mic tran$portation. In fact ATA TRAN$PORTATION i$ a taxi and limo$ine service. Are we being told that the Hatherian race of alien$ are planning to negate the need for centuries of technological development by 'giving u$ a lift'?

Actually, I think they are trying to tell u$ that they already have done... a number of time$ before... more on this later...

Don't watch thi$ $pace... watch your back...

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